In this issue:
- 2012 fib International PhD Symposium – Deadline extended
- Approval of the fib Model Code 2010
- fib Bulletin 60 available
- 56th BetonTage registration
- New fib website
- fib Bulletins 58 and 59 available
- fib-news September 2011
2012 fib International PhD Symposium – Deadline extended
The deadline for submission of abstracts to the fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering has been extended to 14 November 2011. For details about the event and submission information, visit the symposium website, http://fib-phd.imb.kit.edu.
Approval of the fib Model Code 2010
On 29 October 2011, the 11th General Assembly of fib accepted the fib Model Code 2010. Publication is planned for 2012, following a final editorial review. For more information, see the What’s new section of the fib website, and the December issue of fib-news (forthcoming).
fib Bulletin 60 available
fib Bulletin 60, “Prefabrication for affordable housing”, is now available for purchase from the fib secretariat. Further details and order information.
56th BetonTage registration
Registration is open for the 56th BetonTage Congress, which takes place in Neu-Ulm, Germany, on 7-9 February 2012. Reduced registration rates are available until 9 January 2012. For more information, visit: http://www.betontage.com
New fib website
fib is pleased to announce that a new version of its website, including an online store for the purchase of bulletins, has been launched. The address of the website remainds the same: www.fib-international.org.
fib Bulletins 58 and 59 available
fib Bulletin 58, “Design of anchorages in concrete”, and fib Bulletin 59, “Condition control and assessment of reinforced concrete structures exposed to corrosive environments (carbonation/chlorides)”, are now available for purchase from the fib secretariat. Further details and order information.
fib-news September 2011
The September issue of fib-news reports on the 2011 fib Symposium that took place in Prague, Czech Republic, as well as the awards and honors that were presented there, summarizes the activities and working programmes of several Commission 8 Task Groups, and reports on a recent initiative by the i>fib UK group to strengthen ties between industry and academia. It is available from the fib website for free downloading.
This e-news letter was prepared and distributed by the fib secretariat. If you wish to unsubscribe from this newsletter, please let us know by return email.