fib e-news 2/2017

Dear colleagues,


We are pleased to send you the second issue of the fib e-newsletter for 2017. Please feel free to forward it to any interested parties.

Best regards,

The fib Secretariat








fib e-news


  • fib Symposium in Maastricht
  • fib Medal and Honours recipients
  • fib AAYE winners
  • fib Award for Outstanding Concrete Structure
  • Next fib events


fib Symposium in Maastricht

The latest fib event took place in Maastricht, The Netherlands from 12 to 14 June 2017. This event was a complete success with 322 papers presented, 26 project presentations, 4 keynote lectures, 830 authors from 43 countries and about 625 participants.


fib Medal and Honours recipients

The fib is delighted to announce the 2017 Medal of Merit and Honorary Members. Professor Aad van der Horst was awarded the 2017 fib Medal of Merit. Professor Vyatcheslav Falikman and Professor Ferdinand Rostásy received the 2017 fib Honorary Membership. The fib wishes to thank them all for their contribution to the work of the fib.


fib AAYE winners

The Achievement Award for Young Engineers was presented in Maastricht during the Symposium. Patrick Huber (Austria) won the Research Award for his thesis entitled “Assessment of shear strength of existing reinforced and prestressed concrete bridges”. Miguel Sacristán (Spain) received the Design & Construction Award for the exceptional array of projects he took part in, both in Spain and worldwide.

The level of the entries being excellent, the jury decided to award four Special Mentions for the outstanding work demonstrated by Bruno Dal Lago, Fuyuan Gong, Carlo Segato and Alvaro Serrano.

The next AAYE edition will start in 2018. Please visit our website regularly for more information.


fib Award for Outstanding Concrete Structure

Entries are now being accepted for the fib’s 2018 Award for Outstanding Concrete Structures (AOS), which gives international recognition to structures that demonstrate the versatility of concrete as a structural medium. The deadline is 31 December 2017. The 2018 AOS will be presented at the fib’s Congress in Melbourne, Australia in October 2018. For more information, please visit our website.


Next fib event

The next fib PhD Symposium will take place in Prague, Czech Republic in August 2018. For more information, please visit the official website. The abstract submission deadline is 30 October 2017.


This e-newsletter was prepared and distributed by the fib secretariat. Please feel free to forward it to any interested parties. If you wish to unsubscribe from this newsletter, please let us know by return email.

The header photo is used by kind permission of Fabian Sigler, STUDIOSIGLER.