Web: www.fib-international.org / Email: fib@epfl.ch fib e-news: Issue 5 / 2012
In this issue:
- Structural Concrete Journal: Call for papers
- fib Medals of Merit awarded in Stockholm
- 2014 fib Congress in Mumbai, India
- fib-news June 2012 issue
- Structural Concrete – June 2012 issue
Structural Concrete Journal: Call for papers
Structural Concrete, journal of the fib, is seeking original papers of the highest quality for publication. Papers will cover all aspects of the design, construction, performance in service, strengthening and demolition of concrete structures, including papers on research into the behaviour of structures and into the development of design methods. All papers will be subjected to a rigorous peer review process prior to acceptance for publication; the current average submission-to-acceptance time is 100 days. Since 2009, Structural Concrete is indexed in Thomson Reuter’s ISI Web of Science with an Impact Factor of 0.270.
For author guidelines and manuscript submissions, go to: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/suco.
fib Medals of Merit awarded in Stockholm
Two Medals of Merit were awarded at the recent fib Symposium in Stockholm, Sweden; the honorees were Mr. Jean-Marie Crémer (Belgium), and Dr. João Almeida (Portugal). Honorary membership was also bestowed on Prof. Andrzej Ajdukiewicz (Poland). A full report on these honours and on the symposium itself will be published in the September issue of fib-news.
2014 fib Congress in Mumbai, India
The fourth International fib Congress and Exhibition will take place from 10 to 14 February 2014 in Mumbai, India.
Visit the Congress website, http://www.fibcongress2014mumbai.com, for the official invitation and information on the event and venue.
fib-news June 2012 issue
The June 2012 issue of fib-news reports a number of fib-supported events, announces the call for entries for the fib Achievement Award for Young Engineers, and gives details on three recently published bulletins.
The PDF file is now available for downloading from the fib website.
Structural Concrete – June 2012 issue
The June 2012 issue of the Structural Concrete Journal is available in electronic form to fib members via the Wiley Online Library: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/suco.v13.2/issuetoc.
Papers in this issue include: lessons learned for precast concrete structures from the L’Aquila earthquake; stress-strain behaviour of self-compacting concretes containing limestone fillers; and the dynamic response of concrete footbridges.
This e-news letter was prepared and distributed by the fib secretariat. Please feel free to forward it to any potentially interested parties. If you wish to unsubscribe from this newsletter, please let us know by return email.
The header photo is used by kind permission of Fabian Sigler, STUDIOSIGLER.