Web: www.fib-international.org / Email: fib@epfl.ch fib e-news: Issue 6 / 2012
In this issue:
- 2013 fib Achievement Award for Young Engineers
- ACCTA 2013 – Early registration
- fib Bulletin 67 available
- UHPFRC 2013 Symposium: deadline extension
- 2014 fib Congress in Mumbai, India
2013 fib Achievement Award for Young Engineers
Applications are now being accepted for the 2013 fib Achievement Award for Young Engineers. The award, consisting of a diploma and prize money of 2000 Euros for the winners in each of two categories, will be presented at a special ceremony at the fib symposium in Tel Aviv, Israel, in April 2013. The deadline for applications is 15 September 2012. For further information, see http://www.fib-international.org/awards#AAYE.
ACCTA 2013 – Early registration
Registration is open for ACCTA 2013 (Advances in Cement and Concrete Technology in Africa), with Early Bird rates available until 30 September 2012. The aim of the conference is to establish sustainable and economically efficient cement and concrete technology in Africa by bringing together experts in the field of cement and concrete technology with key players from research institutions, industries, associations and policy-making bodies.
For more information, visit www.accta2013.com.
fib Bulletin 67 available
fib Bulletin 67, “Guidelines for green concrete structures”, is now available for purchase from the fib secretariat.
UHPFRC 2013 Symposium: deadline extension
Following numerous requests, the deadline for abstract submission for the UHPFRC 2013 symposium (Marseille, France, 30 September to 2 October 2013) has been extended to 15 September 2012. Submission of full-length papers will still be due by January 31, 2013.
Please send one-page abstracts to:
UHPFRC 2013 secretariat
AFGC – 15 rue de la Fontaine au Roi
75127 Paris Cedex 11 – France
For further information visit: http://www.afgc.asso.fr/index.php/uhpfrc2013.html.
2014 fib Congress in Mumbai, India
The fourth International fib Congress and Exhibition will take place from 10 to 14 February 2014 in Mumbai, India.
Visit the Congress website, http://www.fibcongress2014mumbai.com, for the official invitation and information on the event and venue.
This e-news letter was prepared and distributed by the fib secretariat. Please feel free to forward it to any potentially interested parties. If you wish to unsubscribe from this newsletter, please let us know by return email.
The header photo is used by kind permission of Fabian Sigler, STUDIOSIGLER.