We are pleased to send you the sixth 2013 issue of the fib electronic newsletter. Please feel free to forward it to any potentially interested parties.
With best regards,

Web: www.fib-international.org / Email: fib@epfl.ch fib e-news: Issue 6 / 2013
In this issue:
- Special offer: fib membership and the fib Model Code 2010
- Structural Concrete Journal new Impact Factor
- 10th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering
- Short courses
- UHPFRC 2013
Special offer: fib membership and the fib Model Code 2010
In autumn 2013, the hardcover and e-book editions of the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010 (MC2010) will be published by the Ernst & Sohn publishing house. This milestone publication presents new developments and ideas with regard to concrete structures, structural materials and will serve as a basis for future codes for concrete structures. A continuation of the Model Codes issued over the past three decades by fib, CEB and FIP, MC2010 will be an essential document for national and international code committees, as well as practitioners and researchers. The retail price of the book will be 199 EUR for the hardcover version, 169 EUR for the ebook. (See http://www.ernst-und-sohn.de/mc2010).
Members of fib receive a variety of benefits including a subscription to the quarterly Structural Concrete Journal, access to online membership services, discounts on fib symposia, and a subscription to and/or discounts on (depending on membership category) fib‘s technical bulletins, published 4-6 times per year.
In addition to these benefits, all individuals who are or become fib members in 2013 will receive a complimentary copy of the MC2010 book (hardcover and e-book versions for subscribing, corporate and statutory members; e-book only for ordinary members). This offer will be valid until 30 November 2013.
Discounts on bulk purchases of the MC2010 book will be available to fib members on request. Furthermore, the final draft version of MC2010 (fib Bulletins 65 and 66) will be available to all fib members for free downloading from the membership services (“members only”) section of the fib website.
For more information about membership in fib, visit http://www.fib-international.org/membership-in-fib.
Structural Concrete Journal new Impact Factor
fib is pleased to announced that the Structural Concrete Journal’s Impact Factor in Thomson Reuter’s ISI Web of Science has recently increased to 0.289 (previously 0.270).
Structural Concrete publishes papers covering all aspects of the design, construction, performance in service, strengthening and demolition of concrete structures, including papers on research into the behaviour of structures and into the development of design methods. All papers are subjected to rigorous peer review; the current average submission-to-acceptance time is 78 days. For author guidelines and manuscript submissions, please visit: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/suco.
10th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering
The 10th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering will take place in Quebec, Canada, from 21 to 23 July 2014. This bienniel event provides the opportunity for PhD students to present their work and connect with the international research community.
The deadline for abstract submission is 7 October 2013; for more information visit http://www.fib-phd.ulaval.ca.a
Short courses
fib short courses and workshops are held around the world several times per year, bringing together international and local experts to present advanced knowledge on specialized topics related to concrete construction. Upcoming courses will be given in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and in Vienna, Austria, on the fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010. See http://www.fib-international.org/courses for further information.
The second edition of the International Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Fibre-Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC) will take place from 1st to 3rd October 2013 in Marseille, France, with the theme, “Designing and Building with UHPFRC: from innovation to large scale realizations.”
Four after the first edition of UHPFRC, projects and constructions using UHPFRC have definitively gained growing importance in Europe and North America, as well as in Australia, Far East, and especially Japan. UHPFRC 2013 aims to update and complement the experience gained in the knowledge and use of UHPFRC, based on recent work in: design of building structures, components, civil works and bridges; industrial realizations (both on site and in precast factories); large-scale applications.
For registration and further information, visit: http://www.afgc.asso.fr/index.php/uhpfrc2013.
This e-news letter was prepared and distributed by the fib secretariat. Please feel free to forward it to any potentially interested parties. If you wish to unsubscribe from this newsletter, please let us know by return email.
The header photo is used by kind permission of Fabian Sigler, STUDIOSIGLER.